Wednesday, 3 September 2008

boredom hits ally

its 1247 hrs
i got nothing to do
the cats r out.fishes eaten
im thinking im going back to the apartment on Saturday
then i'll find something to do there(thinking of watching love guru again) or is tropic thunder on already?
theres we'll see

im calm. my head is hurting
oh and i finally sleep last night..thank god!
after 3 days..i was kinda blackout on the floor..everyone thought i was sleeping..wahaha
but im good i guess(i do sleep in weird places)
at least i think i slept ayte

my head neevveerr stopp thinkinggg of everythinggg n stuff
including what hv i done to ady that scares a hell lot of him.i screwed up big time!
maybe he didnt reply my it a sign of..go away ally?(nadira said this)
maybe it is..lets not bother ady anymore ey?
i think i gotta let him go then..even if i never want to
but mr.ady-san u hv to pick up ur bday present in the near future ey..
when i hv probs.. i hv a cave of mine and i'll hide in it.
i can only hv a free mind when im up at the skies
like kaddy said like-ing u its like me learning to fly

if only i could turn back time or rewind and freeze the time when im with him
(cliché ) ey? gonna go hide.
lets learn from ally's mistake
NEVER EVER let any friends of urs get their hands on ur phone..whether locked or unlocked
they might turn out Bitch-ing with it n ruin ur life

planes <3

-ally sky-

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