Monday, 1 September 2008

24th August 2008

SEEE THAT HAND! OMG! wakakakakaakkaakakka!

Shafiq it is..bila pulok dia lentok2
from left sky.shafiq.

went to Al-Andalus in KL with wajdi and his cuzzy meor shafiq
we talk talk n talk
wajdi and shafiq shisha-ing i drink Moroccan green mint tea and it turns out GOOD! nyummy!
thanx to shafiq !

n then on the way back we went to stop 4 choco top
thanx wajdi! ahahahaa

lets put more picha ey '

theres this pic of me with wajdi..MY HAND 'patah'! my oh my..when i saw that pic i cant stop laughing

i'll update more photos!

-ally sky-

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