Monday, 1 September 2008

ADY-if its lovin' that u want(listening to)

last Thursday dated 28th of August
i went 4 a date!!
it was FUN
his name is well..just call him Ady
or he may prefers Ady Nadal
he took me from college and drove us to sunway pyramid
we went to eat at Fish Manhattan! nyummmy! my fav restaurant!
then we went to watch ' the love guru' hilarious movie!
some of the quotes from the movie are

g.u.r.u = gee you are you

then theres

b.i.b.l.e = basic instructions before leaving earth

some names of his books like stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself, why are you still hitting yourself?

its an awesome movie tho'
go watch it!
ok back to the dating story
then he planed to get me on ice..yes ice skating
but then
he have this thing in his mind

he said can we do the skating next time..lets go to KLIA to watch the PLANES!!!!!!
i was thrilled!
then he drove us there! wooho0O!
it is funnn!

after that we went back..he drove us until dengkil then decided to turn back to watch the planes again!
kar-ray-zee huh
we became like lil kids when we saw those awesome planes

well theres a lot of small babies planes(737) took off
and we waited 4 it to turn but it didnt the we realise we r at the wrong spot
oh well
its still fun!

i like him a lot!
but the next day.....-its gonna spoil my mood so i rather not talked about it

and i think i screwed big time

-ally sky-

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